Centre 4S to Launch a Briefing in Dakar on the Impact of the Libya Crisis

for The Sahel Sahara Region




 Nouakchott, September 19th 2011 – As the situation in the Sahel Sahara remains extremely fragile, the impact of the Libya crisis on the region calls for continued monitoring and follows up. In order to discuss these issues, the Centre for Strategies and Securities for Sahel Sahara (Centre4S) will organize a briefing in Dakar on Monday September 26, 2011 with Experts from the region, Diplomats and Representatives of International Organizations and major Media based in West Africa. 

Concerned countries in the Sahel Sahara and their international partners face a series of threats and risks directly related to the end of the Ghaddafi’s regime. These risks and threats represent a real challenge for the governments of the region, and also for the civil society organizations. Indeed, the disorganized return of immigrants from Libya, the end of remittances and various subsidies and other handouts, the temporary disorganization of criminal activities, the introduction of new and additional arms and trained combatants, as well as the unnecessary competition for regional leadership to fill the “vacuum” left by the demise of colonel Ghaddafi need to be addressed in an effective manner.
To discuss freely and openly these issues, the center 4 S is holding a conference on September 26, 2011 in Dakar at Hotel Al-Afifa. “The ultimate objective of the Centre 4S is to enhance the region chances of remaining an actor and not becoming an issue of concern, or viewed as an added source of instability to the international community”, stated its President, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ahmedou ould Abdallah.
Based in Nouakchott, the Centre’s area of intervention is the band of land stretching from Mauritania down to Guinea along the Atlantic coast and, across the savannah, to Chad and Sudan. The main issues it addresses are: defense and security of the Sahel Sahara; armed violence and terrorism; competition for oil, gas and uranium; irregular migrations within and outside the region; trafficking in human, cigarettes, drugs, etc; environmental and renewable energies. The main priority is to help the region and its international partners – public and private, as well as those from Civil Society organizations, Universities, Forums, and others Groups, to collaborate further in order to ensure security and prosperity of the Sahel Sahara.
For more information
To register write to: or call Christine H. Madison at 77 544 25 57

23/09/2011 18:03:37

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